PaperWork-Wall Hanging
posted at Thursday, February 28, 2013 ,
11:01 PM
Handwork about Wall Hanging
Required Matrials:
Required Matrials:
- Thick Carboard
- Glitters painting or Glowing paintings
- Scissors
- Woolen thread
- Chalk to mark the outline
- Mirrors-Round,Diamond shape,20 small size ,20 big size
- Glue or Fevicol
Take a Cardboard ot very thick card paper such that it should not get fold.
For long term usage ,better to take the cardboard and you can design with help of carpentar.
if it is a thick card paper ,you can cut the shapes as you wanted.Here I used the Peacock ,Diamond and Elephant design
Mark the outline to decorate with Glitters in Chalk piece.
Decorate the picture with the help of Glitters.Use different kinds of Glitter so that it will look nice.
Paste the mirror as shown below and circle the mirror outline withe help of Glitter colours.
Paste the mirror as shown below and circle the mirror outline withe help of Glitter colours.
or else you can use glowing colours or florescence colours also.
Similarly do for Peacock,Diamond and elephant as shown inthe pictures given.
Join all the pictures and tie together with a help of twine or woolen thread and hand it on Wall.
Wow!! you can nice Wall Hanging pictures.